69 CONGRESO AEP. Libro de comunicaciones
1030 ISBN: 978-84-09-57975-4 ÁREA DE ESPECIALIDAD OTROS 1 ANEXO 2: Traducción a lengua inglesa SCALE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF COMPLEX CHRONIC CHILDREN (PedCom Scale Ò ) The item to be evaluated must have lasted or be expected to last at least 12 months , except other specification. 1) Specialized care (at least an annual visit) - Less than four medical or surgical specialties - Four or more specialties or follow-up by a complex chronic patient and/or palliative care unit 1 2 2) Chronic medication (prescribed by a primary care specialist or hospital specialist) 1 - Less than five medications - Five or more medications 1 2 - Administration of medication through subcutaneous infusion device (for example, insulin or immunoglobulins) - Administration of medication through intrathecal infusion device (for example, baclofen pump) - Medication or treatment administered exclusively in the hospital - Home intravenous medication 2 1 1 1 2 3) Specific feeding needs - Adapted diet or extensive exclusion diet 3 - Feeding by enteral nutrition device with the possibility of intermittent feeding techniques during the day 4 - Feeding by enteral nutrition device without the possibility of intermittent feeding techniques 4 - Parenteral nutrition 4 1 2 3 4 4) Specific respiratory care needs (at least 6 months) - Need for continuous non-invasive monitoring or during sleep - Need for daily aspiration of secretions - Oxygen dependency (continuous use or during sleep) - Patient with tracheostomy - Need for home ventilation (invasive or non-invasive) that allows disconnections - Need for home ventilation (invasive or non-invasive) that does not allow disconnections (use > 16 hours a day) 1 1 1 3 3 4 5) Psychomotor development, mobility problems, functional limitations - Psychomotor retardation and/or mild functional limitations (excludes paraplegia) - Moderate psychomotor retardation and/or moderate functional limitations (it includes paraplegia) - Severe psychomotor retardation and/or severe functional limitations with high dependency on caregiver 1 2 3 6) Visual and auditory system pathology - Visual pathology and/or impaired visual acuity with an impact on daily life 5 - Auditory prosthesis or cochlear implant 1 1 7) Other devices or ostomies (at least 6 months) - Pacemaker and/or implantable cardioverter defibrillator - Ventriculoperitoneal shunt system and/or lumboperitoneal shunt system - Vagus nerve stimulation device, spinal cord stimulator and/or deep brain stimulator - Subcutaneous reservoir or central catheter (including hemodialysis catheter) - Peritoneal dialysis catheter - Vesicostomy, ureterostomy and/or intermittent/indwelling bladder catheterization - Colostomy/ileostomy - Need for rectal irrigation at least three times a week - Need for periodic professionalized skin or wound care - Need for hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis (at least six months or waiting for transplant) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 8) Need for specific therapies 6 - Motor physiotherapy, psychomotor stimulation and/or occupational therapy - Swallowing speech therapy or language/speech therapy - Respiratory physiotherapy and/or use of cough assist - Maintained psychological therapy or need for maintained follow-up by a mental health team 1 1 1 1 9) Specific educational needs (for a minimum of 12 months) 7 - Specific curricular adaptation - Ordinary center in a specific classroom or special education center - Inability to go to school or need for home-schooling (at least six months a year) - Inability to go to kindergarten or need for specific training in professionals in order to attend 0.5 1 2 2
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