I CONGRESO DIGITAL AEP. Libro de comunicaciones y casos clínicos

1317 ISBN: 978-84-09-24491-1 INVESTIGACIÓN EN CUIDADOS DE ENFERMERÍA PEDIÁTRICA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PEDIATRÍA Conclusiones Se ha visto que los sellados T+C reducen la tasa de ITSRC, y dado que sus efectos adversos son leves y limitados en el tiempo, son una opción recomenda- ble de sellado. Los pacientes pediátricos oncológicos son un grupo muy afectado por las ITSRC, por lo que podría beneficiarse del sellado de T+C. Referencias bibliográficas Wolf JMBAF, Shenep JLMD, Clifford VMMAMPH, Cur- tis NMDCHDTM, H PF, Flynn PMMDMS. Ethanol lock therapy in pediatric hematology and onco- logy. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2013;60(1):18-25. Olthof ED, Nijland R, Gulich AF, Wanten GJA. Micro- biocidal effects of various taurolidine contai- ning catheter lock solutions. Clinical Nutrition. 2015;34(2):309-14. HandrupMMMDP, Mller JKMDD, Schrder HMDD. Cen- tral venous catheters and catheter locks in chil- dren with cancer: A prospective randomized trial of taurolidine versus heparin. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2013;60(8):1292-8. Gorman SP, McCafferty DF, Woolfson AD, Jones DS. Reduced adherence of micro-organisms to human mucosal epithelial cells following treatment with Taurolin, a novel antimicrobial agent. The Journal of applied bacteriology. 1987;62(4):315-20. Shah CB, Mittelman MW, Costerton JW, Parenteau S, Pelak M, Arsenault R, et al. Antimicrobial activity of a novel catheter lock solution. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2002;46(6):1674-9. Branger B, Marion K, Bergeron E, Perret C, Zabadani B, Reboul P, et al. Using Detachment-Promoting Agents for the Prevention of Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Infections. Artificial Organs. 2008;32(12):918-24. Pittiruti MMD, Bertoglio S, Scoppettuolo G, Biffi R, Lamperti M, Dal Molin A, et al. Evidence-based criteria for the choice and the clinical use of the most appropriate lock solutions for central ve- nous catheters (excluding dialysis catheters): a GAVeCeLT consensus. The Journal of Vascular Ac- cess. 2016;17(6):453-64. Simon A, Ammann RA, Wiszniewsky G, Bode U, Fleis- chhack G, Besuden MM. Taurolidine-citrate lock solution (TauroLock) significantly reduces CVAD- associated grampositive infections in pediatric cancer patients. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2008;8 (no pagination). Dumichen MJ, Seeger K, Lode HN, Kuhl JS, Ebell W, Degenhardt P, et al. Randomized controlled trial of taurolidine citrate versus heparin as catheter lock solution in paediatric patients with haematologi- cal malignancies. Journal of Hospital Infection. Handrup MM, Fuursted K, Funch P, Moller JK, Schro- der H. Biofilm formation in long-term central venous catheters in childrenwith cancer: a rando- mized controlled open-labelled trial of taurolidi- ne versus heparin. APMIS. 2012;120(10):794-801. Ince E, Oguzkurt P, Temiz A, Ezer SS, Gezer HO, Ya- zici N, et al. Complications of total implantable access ports and efficacy of Taurolidine-citrate lock solution against catheter-related infec- tions. African journal of paediatric surgery: AJPS. 2014;11(2):138-42. Chong CY, Ong RYL, Seah VXF, Tan NWH, Chan MY, Soh SY, et al. Taurolidine-citrate lock solution for the prevention of central line-associated bloods- tream infection in paediatric haematology-on- cology and gastrointestinal failure patients with high baseline central-line associated bloods- tream infection rates. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2020;56(1):123-9.