I CONGRESO DIGITAL AEP. Libro de comunicaciones y casos clínicos

110 ISBN: 978-84-09-24491-1 ÁREA DE ESPECIALIDAD • CIRUGÍA ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PEDIATRÍA ESTUDIO. Is lymphatic-sparing laparoscopic varicocele repair a better option? Catarina Barbosa Carvalho, Vanessa Costa Silva, Ana Sofía Cunha Marinho, Joana Barbosa Sequeira, María Fatima Carvalho, João Moreira Pinto Centro Materno-Infantil do Norte, Porto, Portugal INTRODUCCIÓN Y OBJETIVOS Varicocele is a common diagnosis in the pediat- ric population, with an overall prevalence of 15%. Hydrocele is a common complication of varicocele repair. In recent years, laparoscopic lymphatic spar- ing varicocele repair has become the recommended surgical option, reducing post-operative hydrocele. The aim of the study was to compare surgical results of laparoscopic lymphatic-sparing (LS) versus non- lymphatic sparing (NLS) varicocele repair in pediatric patients. MÉTODOS Retrospective, single-center review of all laparoscop- ic varicocele repair procedures performed between 2017 and 2019. Surgical, demographic and clinical data were reviewed from the electronic hospital registry. Complications included hydroceles with a follow-up superior to 2 months. RESULTADOS Over the 36-month period, 37 laparoscopic varicocele repairs were performed, of which 9 patients (24%) were LS; 1 patient was excluded for failure in isola- tion and sparing of lymphatic vessels. Methylene blue or patent blue were used for lymphatic staining. Me- dian age at surgery was 13.6 years. In the NLS group, median time of surgery was significantly shorter (25 minutes versus 39 minutes in the LS group, p <0.05). There were no surgical or anaesthesia-related com- plications in either groups. 75% of patients were submitted to outpatient surgery. 32 patients (91.4%) attended post-surgical consultations, with a median follow-up time of 12.4 months. In the NLS group, 21.4% of patients developed post-operative hydro- cele: 3 are under watchful waiting, and 3 resolved with no intervention. No patients developed hydro- cele in the LS group. There were no recurrences. CONCLUSIONES The LS is a safe and effective technique in varicocele repair. LS is valuable in reducing the incidence of postoperative hydrocele.